3 April 2015

A Girl In Trouble

 The process of collecting and creating material for this blog is always challenging experience for us. Best ideas usually come spontaneously and we find inspiration the second we see each other. 

 So, when we met that morning in our office, we were instantly drown to our designer's collection of earrings that were about to be sent out to the stores. It didn't take long before we've started to have our vision of the photos for today's post.

 One of us, our main photographer (and former model), is always rather behind the camera than in front of it. But, we all agreed it was time for her to release her inner model. She came that day wearing an outfit that was appropriate for the cold spring breeze. 

 So, after a bit of brain-storming and some try out photos, the product was here.
Once again we caught ourselves enjoying fashion, our ever lasting friendship and of course, our job.

 We are people who believe in that old expression "Friends don't let friends leave the house without accessorize."

 Thanks to that, here it is-- an idea for your spring breeze outfit and for a chance to wear some of your favorite earrings.

Until the next time, 

Yours truly, 
CFJ team

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