“Are not there little chapters in everybody's life, that
seem to be nothing, and yet affect all the rest of the history?”
world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own
face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and
with it, and it is a jolly kind companion; and so let all young persons take
their choice.”
Albrecht Dürer, self-portrait
“The wicked are wicked, no doubt, and they go astray and
they fall, and they come by their deserts; but who can tell the mischief which
the very virtuous do?”
“Praise everybody, I say to such: never be squeamish, but
speak out your compliment both point-blank in a man's face, and behind his
back, when you know there is a reasonable chance of his hearing it again. Never
lose a chance of saying a kind word. As Collingwood never saw a vacant place in
his estate but he took an acorn out of his pocket and popped it in; so deal
with your compliments through life. An acorn costs nothing; but it may sprout
into a prodigious bit of timber.”
Vincent van Gogh, self-portrait
“The hidden and awful Wisdom which apportions the destinies
of mankind is pleased so to humiliate and cast down the tender, good, and wise;
and to set up the selfish, the foolish, or the wicked. Oh, be humble, my
brother, in your prosperity! Be gentle with those who are less lucky, if not
more deserving. Think, what right have you to be scornful, whose virtue is a
deficiency of temptation, whose success may be a chance, whose rank may be an
ancestor's accident, whose prosperity is very likely a satire.”
VYM, self-portraits
“Picture to yourself, O fair young reader, a worldly, selfish,
graceless, thankless, religionless old woman, writhing in pain and fear,
and without her wig. Picture her to yourself, and ere you be old, learn
to love and pray.”
Andy Warhol, self-portrait
Vanity Fair
by William Makepeace Thaceray
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